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They're Not Even Grey, They're White! 

It happened yesterday. Not even 25 years old, and I looked in the mirror, and there it was. Sticking out on top, plain to see. Bright, vibrant, obvious. 

“It’s not mine,” I thought to myself. “It can’t be. It’s properly white. It must just be a bit of cotton.”

I bent my head closer to the mirror to get a better look at my hair, and brush off the cotton that was sitting there. Only, it didn’t brush off. 

It wasn’t a piece of cotton or some fluff. It was my first proper grey hair. And it wasn’t even grey - it was white. 

Pure white. 

And then I spotted another one, this one coming from the side of my hair, near my sideburns. I grabbed some tweezers and pulled them both out straight away. Could I pretend like it hadn’t happened? 24, nearly 25 years old, and already with white hair. Is life as I know it over? 

Thankfully, I have a girlfriend who’s a couple of years older than me, so I don’t need to worry about getting old. I just tease her instead. Unfortunately for me, she doesn’t look her age, and apparently, I soon might. 

Also unfortunately for me, my Dad started going grey when he was 19, so I guess I should count myself lucky that I got a few more years before looking in the mirror and seeing a shock. I always knew it was going to happen, but that doesn’t mean I was prepared for it! 

Full on, proper white hair. 

And it wasn’t just a tiny piece. It was huge. Easily the length of my finger. 

So, it looks like I might just have to accept it. I’m officially in my mid twenties, and on my way to being grey, or white even. It certainly makes you reassess your life, no doubt about that. 

One thing I can say though, is that I don’t have a receding hair line. Thankfully I did inherit some good genes from both my parents which means I’m showing no signs of going bald or getting a bigger forehead. Not anytime soon anyway. So I’m grateful for that. 

In the meantime, I’m going to either start researching dark brown hair dyes, or else have a think about whether I can pull off the silver surfer look…

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